Terms and Conditions

Website Use Agreement

General Consent: By accessing and using this website, you hereby adhere to the conditions outlined hereafter. The understanding detailed in this document is an arrangement between you and Hooven Realty about your engagement with this site and its resources. Should you find any clause disagreeable, we advise you to depart from the website and avoid utilizing our offerings. Your continued presence and usage of our
services mark your total assent to these conditions.

Governing Law: This accord is governed by the statutes of the Republic of Costa Rica. Any contestations connected to this agreement will be exclusively addressed by the judicial institutions of Costa Rica.

Terminology Clarifications: This digital platform is the property of Hooven Realty. In this document, the expressions “Us”, “Our”, and “We” denote Hooven Realty. “You”alludes to you, our valued guest or patron. The term”Website” signifies www.hoovenrealty.com.

Access and Usage: Entry to our website typically does not necessitate any formal sign- up, barring any subscription actions like our Newsletter. It is your duty to ensure that any person interacting with our site through your means is familiar and compliant with this contract. Despite our primary audience being within Costa Rica, some content might not be applicable or accessible for other countries. International users access the site under their discretion.

Content Rights and Ownership: Content on our site is permissible for individual utilization and not for redistribution. Intellectual property related to this site and its content remains with us or the relevant rights holders. You may reproduce or retrieve parts of the site for personal consumption and internal dissemination. Respect and appropriate representation must be maintained, especially concerning images or multimedia. Any non-compliance will result in the immediate revocation of your access privileges.

Site Availability: We endeavor to maintain continuous website availability, but
unforeseen circumstances or technical issues might cause disruptions. We disclaim responsibility for any periods the website might be unreachable.

User Conduct: Any content you introduce should not be confidential. Avoid publishing harmful or derogatory content, and refrain from unauthorized endeavors on our platform. Violations could initiate legal proceedings and revoke your access rights.

Third-party Connections: We may provide links to external sites for user convenience. However, we neither endorse nor are accountable for their content. If you wish to create a link to our website, specific criteria must be met to prevent misrepresentation or content violations.

Liability and Accuracy: Our platform delivers information without a fee. Though we initially strive for precision, we do not pledge perpetual accuracy or completeness. We absolve ourselves from liabilities stemming from website interactions, be it technical or content-centric.

Complete Understanding: This agreement encapsulates the full consensus between the user and Hooven Realty concerning website interactions. Any prior understandings or agreements are overridden by this document. Rights under this arrangement cannot be delegated without our approval. Conversely, we reserve the right to delegate our entitlements without seeking your agreement.