
#1 Luxury

Live Your Best Life at Vista Las Palmas

Vista Las Palmas is celebrating its 10 year anniversary this year and continues to thrive as the proven #1 Luxury Oceanfront Condominium Community in Jaco, Costa Rica.   There are numerous reasons that experienced Real Estate brokers like myself consider Vista Las Palmas the top ranked community in #1 Luxury Jaco Beach.  I should start off with…

From the Big City, to the Big Ocean

My dream became a reality years ago on a trip to Costa Rica.  After spending over ten years in the financial corporate world I decided to explore Costa Rica during a one week vacation.  I have been blessed to have had the opportunity to travel quite extensively prior to my experience in Costa Rica, and this…

The Perfect Week in Jaco Beach, Costa Rica

Day 1 The first item on the vacation check list is to find comfortable accommodations that meet your requirements. There are a lot of great beachfront bargains in Jaco if you’re not already a homeowner. My top pick after seeing numerous rental properties in the Jaco area is the Luxury Oceanfront Community of Vista Las Palmas. The majority of…

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